Category Archive: Illustration


Thumbnail sketches


Old sketches


A little something for Halloween 🙂

The summoning

I always wanted to paint a dragon.  What do you think? 🙂


I recently joined an online art group.  At the start of every month we are given a brief of what we are to create and submit by the end of the month. The… Continue reading

Where’s Ma Money.

It’s been a long time since I painted portraits. Last week I decided to do a little speed painting. What better subject to paint than Nicolas Cage. I had a lot of fun… Continue reading


The mutant hunting robots are coming I remember seeing the Sentinel from the X Men animated TV series when I was growing up.  It was on a channel called Jetix,  also formerly known… Continue reading


My latest piece of work inspired by a scene from The Walking Dead.

Final Dawn

I decided to practice painting landscapes this week. The original idea was to have a shuttle emerge from beneath the surface of this desolate world, but after several unhappy results due to a… Continue reading

Escape from Crematoria

Just wanted to show you guys a step by step process of how I work. Some people work straight in their chosen software but I find the initial stages of pencil and paper… Continue reading